94. Model Girlfriend, page posted 9/19/16

Page 33 of 46

Model Girlfriend — Page 33

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Here we go #everythingisending

Tumblr: jeroenhd-aka-nonamebcb September 19, 2016

Well….That was uncalled for! He did everything for you all day, made sure that no matter what you were feeling secure and having a good time! He was just being playful, way to make him feel like shit for trying to be playful and happy with you. Mike is NOT by any means my favorite character but I do NOT like the treatment Sandy has been dolling out on Mike. First ignoring him constantly, never getting his name right, only talking about herself and HER interests….and now she just bitches at Mike for no flipping reason? No, I’m done with Sandy.

Tumblr: circusofdestiny September 20, 2016

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