94. Model Girlfriend, page posted 8/5/16

Page 15 of 46

Model Girlfriend — Page 15

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Comments from around the web

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Sketch a Day 275-
X; 10/9/15
And to end my BitterSweet Titan shenanigans is Augustus as RedX. At first I was going to make it Abby, but then I was like, no no no. Dark anti hero with a thing for Star/Daisy that would defiantly be
Augustus https://www.bittersweetcandybowl.com/about.html

Tumblr: siamese712-sketch-a-day August 6, 2016

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MOD: Este personaje es de un web cómic que me la pasé leyendo toda la noche; literalmente no dormí nada.

Tumblr: killzom33 August 7, 2016

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