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Comments from around the web
Sigh. It’s her choice and was, kind of, handled the mature way. I really, really, really hope this is the end of this but from past experience I feel like it’s not.
Tumblr: touchfeeltastelove March 31, 2017
Wishing List:
-See Lucy break Mike’s Nose
Facebook: Fabian Arce Mora March 31, 2017
I can’t decide if Mike’s projecting that kind of dodgeball bullying onto Lucy based on the past Tsundere behavior, or based on what he heard this morning.
Either way, seems like Lu’s learned that the best revenge is to not give a shit. That way your enemies spiral into a paranoid freakout and do your work for you!
Facebook: Jan Gundle March 31, 2017
whats better than gals being pals
Facebook: Airy Lapin Frith March 31, 2017
Ah, indifference. It’s a good tactic
Facebook: Ana Lucía Cabanillas Enciso March 31, 2017
This kid is a junior right? Why the heck is he going through ptsd at this age?
Facebook: Tre' Martinez March 31, 2017
Someone’s face is getting wrecked like that kid David just wiped out.
Facebook: Michael Harris March 31, 2017
Mike got triggered a bit there.
Way to go Lucy, you’re looking healthy <3
Facebook: Li Rall March 31, 2017