119. New Year’s Resolution, page posted 10/9/23

Page 14 of 40

New Year’s Resolution — Page 14

Author commentary

Veronica: There’s something so embarrassing about showing your vulnerability to someone who previously doted on you a lot.. but because you’ve pushed them away several times and drifted apart, they’re all like.. nahh, that’s your problem now :)

Good luck, though, we’re all rootin’ for ya!

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Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #24184

Rachel, the best girl..


Comment ID #24185

ah shit


Comment ID #24186

ugh i know this feeling too well. i know rachel meant well (shes my fav character i love her) but that probably made paulo feel like his emotions were a burden and they didnt wanna be around him :(


Comment ID #24187

Good on Rachel for putting herself first! After the emotional whirlwind he put her through last time, I don't blame her for not wanting to be his safety blanket again. Feels a little bad for Paulo, but he still has Mike and David with him so I'm sure he'll be fine.


Comment ID #24188

Rachel is doing what any good ex should do. She's sympathetic, but knows to keep a civil distance to avoid emotional attachments in both ways. It's like, I'm still friendly with my ex-gf, but since she was attracted to my voice, I never talk to her on the phone. Text and email only.

Dave Ostroske  

Comment ID #24189

Dang. Tough situation. Rachel has no obligation to help or comfort, of course, she gets to step out whenever she wants. It can be really awkward to be around someone who's upset, especially if you can't or don't want to help, even moreso if you're at a celebration. But I really feel for Paulo here. It's an awful feeling when evidence of you being upset previously causes people to react as if you were still upset to the same degree and avoid you. It's like you can't have any proof you cried over something or people will feel that "uh oh, better leave them alone" feeling. Even someone's good tears can trigger this feeling in people (and that's fine! It's normal!). To the person who was crying, it feels like making a bigger deal out of something than it needs to be, or just being a burden to the people avoiding you. Again, nobody has any obligation to comfort someone, especially an "ex", and you shouldn't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm. Rachel has no context for why he had been crying, for how long, nothing. She is acting perfectly for herself. Doesn't make it any less of a gut punch for Paulo, but that's up to him to cope with.


Comment ID #24190

Yes, he does feel better, look at that smile on his face.


Comment ID #24191

Boy got hit right in the soul


Comment ID #24192

"The love you save may be your own / Darling, take it slow / or someday you'll be all alone." I skipped a "Stop." I didn't wanna stop.

Dave Ostroske  

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