119. New Year’s Resolution, page posted 3/4/24

Page 35 of 40

New Year’s Resolution — Page 35

Author commentary

Veronica: Happy new year!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #24043

Happy new year


Comment ID #24044

So gorgeous of a page


Comment ID #24045

Here's to hoping the new year is a better year for them.

Learning to let go, move on, and be better

"Don't be Sorry, Be Better."

--Kratos, God of War 4

Rocky Wolfknight  

Comment ID #24046

Awww.... now run into Lucy when you leave the woods.


Comment ID #24047

Mike: Fireworks makes my ears yell!

Paulo: Me too!


Comment ID #24048

quickly became one of favorite pages from the entire comic


Comment ID #24049

Mike hates loud noises, probably hating these fireworks.

But this is nice. Hopefullytheir problems between eachother are over..... nah this is BSCB this shit ever ending until the comic is actually over.

Kirk Findlay  

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