119. New Year’s Resolution, page posted 8/28/23

Page 8 of 40

New Year’s Resolution — Page 8

Author commentary

Veronica: Is one of them also a regional manager of a paper company

Paulo has little knowledge of the internet. He is too busy touching grass

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #23556

Good idea David


Comment ID #23557

Mike Fight, Mike FiGHT MIKE FIGHT


Comment ID #23558

David won't give bad advice


Comment ID #23559

It's weird now, but back then, Facebook was pretty cool and had just replaced MySpace. I still miss del.icio_us though!

Dave Ostroske  

Comment ID #23560

Oh MAN it is wild to hear Facebook talked about this way now but that's exactly what is was like. Hope this doesn't stir up too much trouble ??


Comment ID #23561

Is..is Paulo gonna look up his mom!?


Comment ID #23562

He for sure gonna do that ????

Gabrielle R  

Comment ID #23563

Ohhhhh good catch


Comment ID #23564

it still being 2008 in bcb world gives me such a weird sense of peace


Comment ID #23565

Oh Paulo please be looking up Tess and not your mom


Comment ID #23566

The crazy thing is realizing that the thing David is suggesting actually happened a couple years ago. Look up "Josh Fight," it's hysterical and weirdly wholesome.


Comment ID #23567

The wrestler must be ECW legend Mike Awesome, I would like to see him give Mike a Awesome Bomb through a table.


Comment ID #23568

I have admittedly done the same as Mickles


Comment ID #23569

Oh MAN it is wild to hear Facebook talked about this way now but that's exactly what is was like. Hope this doesn't stir up too much trouble 😬


Comment ID #23570

He’s for sure gonna do that 😭😭

Gabrielle R  

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