119. New Year’s Resolution, page posted 3/11/24

Page 36 of 40

New Year’s Resolution — Page 36

Author commentary

Veronica: Good enough!

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Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #24037

I'm worried of saying this and then suddenly mike back tracks but

I have a strong feeling his true growth begins now

Rocky Wolfknight  

Comment ID #24038

So happy about this turn of events! ...hoping this isn't where Paulo gives up on his bisexual saga


Comment ID #24039

True Bromance


Comment ID #24040

Mike: That's great to hear, now I can destroy you like how I destroyed Lucy.

Paulo: What?


Comment ID #24041

Mike was never a horrible person. He made horrible choices under quite terrible pressure, thinking he was paired with a creature of absolute perfection and sweetness who was probably even then emotionally invested in someone else more than him.

I've been in a long distance relationship. Even a day where you don't hear from each other is pretty hard on you. Months with like 5 messages? Man...

Well, Mike's shining through here. He's a good bloke. Just needed some reality check about idealizing someone you don't know as much as you think you do.

I think I grew up with these characters. Having hard-samed a lot of Lucy's internal bad-talk, I had quite the pair of blinders on back then. I'm glad to see this growth, even though it took the comic all of... five, six years to get to it haha.

Good life to ya, Mike. Hang in there ya beautiful queer creature Paulo.


Comment ID #24042

See now was that so hard, to just talk it out and be good instead of avoiding eachother and yelling? But seriously, good on them to get this all straightened out.

Kirk Findlay  

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