54. Back and Forth, page posted 5/12/10

Page 12 of 33

Back and Forth — Page 12

Author commentary

Veronica: Jessica dealing critical hits at every turn! Are you holding a scope lens or something?!?!?!?!?!

I mentioned earlier, many chapters ago, when Janet and Kevin were introduced, that we might see another relationship that doesn’t really have a future because of the cat-and-dog rule, and I guess we’re coming up to that now..


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Reader comments

Comment ID #20678

Paulo’s only problem is that he is insecure. He’s a nice guy with a good heart that ends up in all sorts of situations where he loses out. He wanted a legitamate relationship with Tess and she just shot him down, destroying his good intentions. He’s done everything he could for Lucy, who is in love with someone else. He knows that no matter how much attention she gives him, she loves Mike. Then David comes along and makes him feel like he is weak and insignificant. So what does he do? He starts reverting to his old ways just to convince himself that sometimes he can win.

Pyraliss May 12, 2010, 9:40 AM EDT.

Comment ID #20681

Come on, Paulo, let’s see how many women you can disappoint this week.

Hot'n'Spicy-EffJay May 12, 2010, 9:51 AM EDT.

Comment ID #20949

Okay, they might not be terrible people, but they are acting like it. First Jess has to be a total bitch to Paulo and then Paulo is acting like a sleaze ball. Not exactly the example I would set for my kids though.

But some how It feels like Jess planned this whole thing out, ya know? Which is kinda creepy.

Leaving a comment May 12, 2010, 10:29 PM EDT.

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