54. Back and Forth, page posted 6/2/10

Page 21 of 33

Back and Forth — Page 21

Author commentary

Veronica: I feel mildly proud at the fact that, based on the comments, Jasmine was the popular pick of the page before, considering I spent the most time designing her.. her little dog friend in second place.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #35079

I can totally expect Jasmine to stick as a character. If Taeshi was playing “Awkward teen personality” bingo she could scratch another square!

Seriously though don’t ditch her into the purgatory of fictional characters.

Dr. Schmottker June 2, 2010, 4:24 AM EDT.

Comment ID #35177

-Stares at bird poster-

Does it look like in the 3rd to last panel that the bird is smiling and in the second to last the bird is walking off…THEY HAVE PERFECTED MOVING DRAWINGS!!!

Anyway has Mike opened his eyes at all during his background appearances or has Lucy glued them shut?

Lycinder June 2, 2010, 8:00 AM EDT.

Comment ID #35454

lol “Get tested.” On an artistic note, I like David’s expressions throughout this page. It’s kinda over-the-top cartoony without getting too out of hand.

Hannibal June 2, 2010, 1:41 PM EDT.

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