54. Back and Forth, page posted 6/16/10

Page 27 of 33

Back and Forth — Page 27

Author commentary

Veronica: Around this time, I was getting my wisdom teeth removed, so I was an achy mess, eating soft food and waiting for the wounds to heal. It was a fun experience, though! I didn’t get put to sleep! I got to feel them SMASHING THE TEETH BEFORE REMOVING THEM because my jaw is stupid-tiny.

Anyway, who cares about that! Jessica and Rachel are enacting their evil plan now!


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Reader comments

Comment ID #44978

They seem very proud of themselves, bitches. Like Paulo was any challenge anyway.
Tessy! Hit them with (not) a brick

Bard June 16, 2010, 7:38 AM EDT.

Comment ID #45038

I know I shouldn’t, but this page makes me lol. All the expressions on each of their faces are perfect. Great job on this page.

Just when it finally got peaceful, Paulo is probably going to get beat down by Tess holding an actual brick.

Who’s the random guy eavesdropping on the conversation?

Pathetique June 16, 2010, 10:30 AM EDT.

Comment ID #45501

Oh…so the kettles call the pot black, eh?
Seriously, Tess and Paulo actually had a deep romantic relationship that didn’t even end with them screwing, while these broads boned him on the first date?!
If Tess doesn’t give them a verbal beat down, I’m gonna cry. Like Jess and Rachel. Read: a bitch.

TurnerClassicNinja June 17, 2010, 1:56 AM EDT.

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