85. Total Recall, page posted 9/24/14

Page 14 of 42

Total Recall — Page 14

Author commentary

Veronica: the colours duke the colours

This makes me want rainbow sherbet ice cream!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #287113

rachel is the best at keeping spirits high aw ye

and yes wow. these colors are just gorgeous! i know people complain about the proportions nowadays but i think the color schemes have gotten so so much better in recent chapters. i think it goes well with the newer cartoony style, and reminds me of how some cartoons will change their color schemes based on a mood they want to convey (some of the cartoon network and nickelodeon oldies did this a LOT)
the bottom half of this page personally gives me a “memories are about to happen here, let’s have the time of our life” vibe tbh. amazing work dude :)

Landy September 24, 2014, 1:16 PM EDT.

Comment ID #287119

For some reason, Rachel in panel 3 looks adorable to me. Her mouth’s the size of Saturn :P Still, it shows how spunky and boisterous she can be. A naturally likable set of characteristics to me. That reminds me, have Rachel and Paulo kissed? I mean, their relationship status is a bit vague, but a peck on the lips seems fitting for the two. Maybe in this chapter they’ll do some smoochin’. It could possibly signify some sort of progress within their relationship.

ThingamaJigglyPuff September 24, 2014, 1:47 PM EDT.

Comment ID #287147

Interested girls? Or interested black and white cats…?

Sanitarium September 24, 2014, 8:46 PM EDT.

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