85. Total Recall, page posted 10/8/14

Page 20 of 42

Total Recall — Page 20

Author commentary

Veronica: Paulo the matchmaker!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

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Comment ID #287640

I am on the verge of demanding a Paulo/Jordan duo. Have baby Jordan be pulled under Paulo’s wing and watch them go. The ladies won’t know what hit them! They play off against each other so well! That and all the slash pushers will have something better than Paulo and Mike.

Sanitarium October 8, 2014, 2:36 PM EDT.

Comment ID #287670

:00< *ac hopes that poor Jordan does not get rejected or extremely embarrassed*

X33< he’s so short it’s adorable though, and I hope he and paulo make up :))

Green-Kat October 8, 2014, 10:22 PM EDT.

Comment ID #287692

Roxy is actually super cute and looks like she’s at prom to have a good time. I like her already :3

Ravako October 10, 2014, 11:19 AM EDT.

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