85. Total Recall, page posted 11/24/14

Page 40 of 42

Total Recall — Page 40

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Veronica: haha whoops

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Comment ID #290522

So her old friends accepted her back? Why just now?

B-Dawg November 24, 2014, 1:02 PM EST.

Comment ID #290532

It’ll be okay, Tess. They’ll all grow up, eventually…I hope.
Just because you’re all going your separate ways doesn’t mean you can’t contact each other. Drop each other a line, send a letter…or stay updated on FaceBook, lol.
Just because High School is coming to and end, it doesn’t mean you can’t still be a pain in the butt to each other! XD

Blank On Purpose November 24, 2014, 1:52 PM EST.

Comment ID #290550

When it comes to being too good to be true. Departing is sweet sorrow, but every departure is a new embarking to a new adventure. Friends come and go but memories will not be lost.

Keyblade Dragon November 24, 2014, 11:23 PM EST.

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