85. Total Recall, page posted 10/3/14

Page 18 of 42

Total Recall — Page 18

Author commentary

Veronica: maybe jordan and tiff’s absolute shallowness makes them the ultimate otp

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Comment ID #287439

Huge pinkish tint in the first 4 panels - That’s how you know they’re deeply in love. :^)

gardnaeden October 3, 2014, 1:10 PM EDT.

Comment ID #287454

Ah, smitten with love. I remember when that happened to me - I couldn’t articulate WHY he was special, I just loved him because I was too blinded by my love to see ANYTHING else but hearts and rainbows.

Jordan needs a big ol’ slap of reality. The same kind I got, which snapped me out and got me to where I am now, happy with a different, much better person.

Kiyoshia October 3, 2014, 1:53 PM EDT.

Comment ID #287515

I just realized that Tiff has appeared in the comic before, at Rachel’s party: www.bittersweetcandybowl.com/c80/p36.html

Sambo October 4, 2014, 11:58 AM EDT.

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