85. Total Recall, page posted 9/5/14

Page 6 of 42

Total Recall — Page 6

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Comment ID #286194

this has been the only predictable page from taeshi since from… ever? lol

(does “since from ever” make sense?)

boh... September 5, 2014, 1:33 PM EDT.

Comment ID #286252

Guys, he has insisted at least twelve times to Lucy that he wasn’t trying to rape Daisy back then, and that he genuinely likes her for who she is. And reading that incident over in hindsight, the way he immediately taunted Abbey as soon as the guy showed up comes across like he was counting on it.

Granted, goading and pressing people’s buttons isn’t exactly the right way to go about getting the girl you like to let go of her inhibitions, but does it really warrant a rapist/monster/villain reputation?

Architect Fringe September 5, 2014, 6:36 PM EDT.

Comment ID #286309

Poor guy, just that feeling of being misunderstood by the person you value the most to the point where she thinks you meant to hurt her… My sympathies go out to him, he’s just absolutely heartbroken in that last panel…

Lena September 6, 2014, 11:21 AM EDT.

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