Trapped — Page 26

Author commentary

Veronica: Alejandro punishes you for everything that makes him remotely mad, what boyfriend material

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Comment ID #293137

Augustus looks completely unsatisfied with this.

Colada January 28, 2015, 1:04 PM EST.

Comment ID #293150

Hm. He had another ex, eh? Interesting development…

Wonder if anything else went on with Auggie and Melanie during those years.

daft_inquisitor January 28, 2015, 1:36 PM EST.

Comment ID #293190

? Does Auggy even like this arrangement? I mean does he even want to be with Melanie? It might just be because these are the only panels we’re viewing but he looks really unhappy. I know she’s being abused all this time but I mean regardless I was expecting some loving looks back from him.

URGH January 28, 2015, 8:21 PM EST.

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