Trapped — Page 31

Author commentary

Veronica: babby augustus is babbier than previously anticipated

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Comment ID #293757

Keep in mind, he’s probably acting that way to cover up their liaison. Doesn’t want Alejandro to suspect anything.

Some Guy February 9, 2015, 1:02 PM EST.

Comment ID #293822

oh my god i was so worried but now it makes sense. alejandro WOULD SAY that he gave mel what she “deserved” but in reality he doesn’t have the guts to do anything, just like how he hasn’t lifted a finger for 2 years on lucy and the gang.

i hope melanie is doing ok now… she probably found a way to leave after this incident so i’m relieved. she was in a horrible place. PLEASE BE OK. points at eyes points to toby.

& idk why people are mad at augustus, like what else is he suppose to say. i hope he doesn’t think she did it on purpose though… if he resents melanie i’d be mad too but judging by the two panels at the end, it doesn’t seem like it. he gets it.

meili February 9, 2015, 7:08 PM EST.

Comment ID #293827

Those last panels really hit home. Augustus isn’t the kind of person to use such language or disrespect anyone is such a way, yet people around him pressure him to act in ways that aren’t true to himself. I have the same issue at work where I behave somewhat misogynistic around one coworker just to get along with him, but that’s not me at all.

Frostmizzle February 9, 2015, 9:14 PM EST.

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