Trapped — Page 28

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Veronica: lmao

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Comment ID #293349

Welp… it had to happen eventually. This can’t end well…

Schattenkiller5 February 2, 2015, 1:10 PM EST.

Comment ID #293357

So assuming that’s Toby, I see one of two things happening:
1) Immediate repercussions. He tells Alej, big confrontation, all that hooplah.
2) Some kind of weird BS blackmail. Assuming Toby has any conscience, maybe he hates the way Mel is treated too but he can’t really do anything since he’s the right-hand man. So he’s like “either break it off or I tell him” to them to give them a chance.

Either way this will end poorly. That’s unavoidable.

Jessebelle February 2, 2015, 1:19 PM EST.

Comment ID #296541

Yeah, this comic has really made me like Augustus and feel for him. Poor guy. He just had a shit life… just has to learn the way to deal with things.

In other news. Looks like he’s about to call their names and defy the Gaga.

Qebonut April 1, 2015, 9:51 PM EDT.

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