105. Witch Hunt, page posted 5/6/19

Page 18 of 44

Witch Hunt — Page 18

Author commentary

Veronica: PAULO NO…

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

i didn’t expect this!! i thought mike and paulo were gonna be off in a mopey corner all night. im completely delighted by this turn of events, though im A Tad Worried about how Lucy will take it
though it’s really funny to me that she was like “im going to alienate all of my friends!” and her friends immediately went “no you aint!”

Tumblr: bramblepaws May 6, 2019

Tumblr image
more kitties @bittersweetcandybowl

Tumblr: buttart May 2, 2019

I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WITH SANDYYYY!!!!! THE BUILDUP FOR THAT IS SO GOOD….also i wanna see how lucy and augustus do on the SAT’s

Tumblr: bramblepaws May 1, 2019

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