105. Witch Hunt, page posted 7/8/19

Page 27 of 44

Witch Hunt — Page 27

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Veronica: No table to slam him into this time

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Tumblr: bramblepaws July 8, 2019

This is how heroes do it! Paulo can be a dick, but guys like him are friends that really have your back. I’m really hoping Mike will finally get the wake-up call he needs after tonight in more ways than one. Pretty tired of him being the delusional antagonist taking his anger out on his friends all the time.

Tumblr: twilightfaze July 8, 2019

Me: Yeah Paulo tell Mike what’s what, Sandy shouldn’t treat him like that and Mike should treat his friends like that 
Also Me: Paulo if you call a girl a bitch one more time I will personally erase you from canon 

Tumblr: moonybadger July 8, 2019

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