105. Witch Hunt, page posted 9/30/19

Page 41 of 44

Witch Hunt — Page 41

Author commentary

Oliver: Yeah, don’t be a bother, my guy.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

“this was important” implying every other text and call wasn’t

Tumblr: bramblepaws September 30, 2019

Also re: Sandy’s nda doesn’t mean she can’t talk to Mike, well, there are abusive people in positions of power over teens who do this exact kinda thing when there’s something mega sketchy going on with it. In the YouTube community, a girl was groomed for years and the abuser attempted to have her sign an nda to basically never talk about it. When you’re young and have no legal recourse or knowledge, these aren’t things you tend to know are bs that can’t be enforced. That’s a huge reason there’s a million sirens going off in my head about this entire conversation.

Tumblr: raemelodyheart September 24, 2019

the new bci is really cute…………….

Tumblr: bramblepaws September 23, 2019

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