Time Out — Page 1

Author commentary

Veronica: Hey everybody!!!!!! It’s time for a new chapter!!!!! Hope you’re all doing okay and surviving the carnage of this world right now, let’s distract ourselves with some emotional cats

And Mike’s current emotion is pretty happy! Guess he had a really nice call for once!

I miss Abbey’s playfulness sometimes, they are a boringly pleasant pair. I mean they’d have to be to be the first kids in homeroom long before the bell rings. What nerds

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

i’m frankly extremely disappointed to see mike being… the same as he’s always been. it’s been extremely frustrating watching him interact with the platonian ideal of sandy since, like, Dial Tone. 

on the other hand: 2earsup hell yeah

Tumblr: bramblepaws May 11, 2020

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