Time Out — Page 11

Author commentary

Veronica: Paulo’s first two lines make me laugh every time, he’s so SINCERE! Sometimes you just CAN’T like someone and you will NEVER get along with them! It just happens!! In another world if they weren’t sharing a high school and a group of friends they would never have a reason to speak to each other at all.

But… Paulo’s remorse is sincere.

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Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #11948

Okay now we’re getting somewhere. I think (and hope) they’ll both come to some kind of realization over the ”conquest” subject. Because a) Abbey needs to realize Paulo isn’t really the playboy type he thinks he is and b) Paulo should see how his action can look to other people in certain contexts. Either way, this should be constructive now.

Ashura Atsu  

Comment ID #11949

Abbey what the fuck? ?? You don’t have to accept his apology, but you need to drop the whole ”you’re just trying to fuck Daisy” thing.

Nicole Pratt  

Comment ID #11950

I swear if this conversation ends with David chiming in with ”Paulo and Daisy should get married” and everyone storms off… They really need to get some closure and clear up some stuff between them here


Comment ID #11951

Abbey needs to actually let this go.

Paulo did used to be an idiot chasing women without taking their feelings into account.

I’d like to think that he’s learned from those experiences considering Rachel was his last and he treated her feelings worse than anyone’s.

I understand why Abbey would still be holding onto that image of Paulo, especially after how he probably saw the way Rachel was during their time together.

So I’d like to believe this chapter helps Abbey to get the closure he never got from Paulo.

They don’t need to be friends, or even acquaintances.

They just need to talk about this and grow.


Comment ID #11952

Uh oh, I think we might have the fight of the century soon.


Comment ID #11953

i’m glad paulo is being honest and direct but GOOD LORDT i wish this boy had like… 10% more tact.

it’s also interesting to me that abbey gives paulo the option to play with mike OR david, implying he’d be much more interested in playing with David than he would with Paulo — which says a lot cuz he doesn’t seem to like David much either!!

”you go through enough as it is” is the best part of the apology so far, THOUGH PAULO… ALSO WISH… YOU’D ACCEPT LIKE A PINCH MORE CULPABILITY IN THIS… ”kind of” ”sometimes” bro,

i am … Very excited to see where this conversation goes now that the ”next little conquest” idea is finally out in the open :eyes emoji:


Comment ID #11954

I’m pulling some judgement from what happened when Paulo and Jasmine got I to their ”fight”, but I’m imagining that Paulo most likely won’t be incredibly aggressive back. Granted this is a co completely different situation with different people, but Paulo has matured such an immense amount, I’m hoping we some growth here, and that neither of them overreact. But then where would the drama be?

Aiden Reff  

Comment ID #11955

for a brief moment i was actually on abbeys side cause yeah paulo can be such a little shit…….and then he once again referred to daisy as unable to ”””protect””” herself from paulo on her own

Jonah Sanville (firelight_waltz)  

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