Intermission: On Call, page posted 7/15/22

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On Call — Page 1

Author commentary

Veronica: Hey, everyoneeeeee!! It’s time for.. uhh.. a new chapter. That is not quite a chapter.. and not quite an intermission..

I’ve been musing about this sequence a lot! This is actually supposed to be a canonical conversation that took place in Eternal Flame after Mike came back from seeing Lucy, but at the time I was REALLY fatigued by there being not one, but TWO phone conversations in the chapter already.. and I kinda liked the mystery.

I sorta wanted the information of this call to spill out in the following chapters as a result of me omitting it.. for the readers to pick up the pieces over time.

And that’s why these pages are done in the BCI style rather than made into actual pages. I don’t plan to redraw this to insert into Eternal Flame! This is an optional extra. I still want to tell the story by having information come out over time (and much already has!)

Kinda show don’t tell in a way.. though there’ll be plenty of telling since a lot of this involves Sandy having to talk on the phone LOL

So why am I posting this sequence? Well, I think it’s a fun sequence now that I had time to think it over and polish it up into comic form! It’s wayyyy more fleshed out than the draft version that was posted on Patreon (Join for more cool bonuses like that.. there’s other sequences I’ve canned before and put up there… i can also draw you birthday requests)

And the OTHER reason is that I’m traveling a lot so I needed an excuse to create quick buffer because the next chapter is going to involve a lot of complicated mall backgrounds HAHAHAHAHAH

But I think people will enjoy seeing a little more of Sandy come out here!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #21600

Ghostface: What’s your favorite scary movie?

Mike: (gulp)


Comment ID #21601

Dial Tone Part 2


Comment ID #21602

This is the result of reading the page before the author commentary. Don’t be like me kids. Always read the commentary.


Comment ID #21603

Interesting! Unexpected, but I dig it!


Comment ID #21604

As someone who didn’t empathize until the patreon draft, I appreciate that everyone will see this. Burnt Bridges kinda fell flat for me, like coming from an unreliable narrator. Excited to see how you turned this into comic form!


Comment ID #21605

Aah, I still fondly remember chapter 71 where Sandy is just… that really, really sweet girl. That chapter was one of the reasons I could never dislike her. (I still like her!) Re-reading the scrapped script mentioned by Taeshi in author’s commentary however just gives me so many bad vibes, it’s just… two people clinging to each other who clearly really shouldn’t be together anymore, at this point. I sorta understand where Sandy is coming from, with her not wanting to lose what I imagine is the only relationship with someone else beside her mom/family that lasted *this* long over her life… anyone would be scared by this, I believe. This does not make any of this a good decision however. I know we all know that Mike had VERY rose-tainted glasses on when it came to Sandy until recently, but I believe the same goes for Sandy just as much when it comes to Mike - even now, I believe, she thinks of him as that „too nice to be real“ guy that would forever treasure her as his number one, the partner she can count on to be always there for her, to always be faithful… (oops) I kinda wanna see a big fall-out between those two where they both shamelessly admit their cheating shenanigans to each other lol :D


Comment ID #21606

Oh man, I can’t wait to see how this goes!

Rendak Darkgale  

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