85. Total Recall, page posted 10/6/14

Page 19 of 42

Total Recall — Page 19

Author commentary

Veronica: Those poor Lucy genes. Jordan is still taller than Mike, at least.

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Comment ID #287582

I think Paulo’s incredibly hilarious remark is a mixture of him being slightly annoyed that having to help Jordan, and his normal off-beat, unfocused self. And I’m all for there being a Jordan glare at the end of every page.

Restos October 6, 2014, 5:46 PM EDT.

Comment ID #287599

Hahaha, this is all the more hilarious if paulo does eventually bag lucy at the end of the series. There like brother in laws, lol and the dynamics perfect. I still stand that paulo is best for lucy but I believe Rachels best for paulo. Either way seeing these two work off one another is just awsome :smirk:

JustSomeCritic October 7, 2014, 4:25 AM EDT.

Comment ID #287606

He said it. Paulo finally said it. Thank you!!

ChapulaFairy October 7, 2014, 12:06 PM EDT.

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