Trapped — Page 4

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Veronica: Someone didn’t take his afternoon nap

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Comment ID #291077

wow buddy

make like Elsa and let it go
maybe see a dentist (they can fix your teeth but maybe not your ego)

(((if a little girl managed to beat me up that hard i’d probably have a severely damaged sense of pride and ego too)))

stuffnthat December 8, 2014, 1:04 PM EST.

Comment ID #291085

i highly doubt the cat on tv is lucy (merely someone who looks a lot like her for the sake of bringing up the topic), but jesus if it is her then what a turnaround

calm your testosterone alejandro the kids were just trying to protect themselves from your nasty antics

Landy December 8, 2014, 1:10 PM EST.

Comment ID #291152


Keep away from my babu ;-;

Kizuna December 8, 2014, 9:09 PM EST.

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