78. Safe Boundaries, page posted 8/27/13

Page 15 of 26

Safe Boundaries — Page 15

Author commentary

Veronica: i like how paulo doesn’t know whether to be more grossed out by daisy or abbey

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Comment ID #257750

Paulo really did not need that thought inside his head. D:

For anyone that thinks Paulo is jealous: He’s not jealous of Abbey at all. Why would he be?

Paulo’s just kind of disgusted by the thought of his “little sister” Daisy being in the same bed as that fruitcake Abbey. 8-)

I’m wondering how much Mike actually paid attention to. Probably listened to the whole thing by using his super hearing, but he didn’t want to interrupt this sensitive topic they were discussing. Why would anyone want to step into that bowl of awkward? :unsure:

supertails19 August 27, 2013, 1:01 PM EDT.

Comment ID #257790

@I_Love_Lucy Everyone gets emotionally hurt at some point during their life from a relationship. I’m not sure a 15 year old is any less prepared than an 18 year old, a 21 year old, or a 30 year old person. There are plenty of people at age 30 who also have no idea what they’re doing about anything including life, love, and work. Full bodily maturity doesn’t even happen at age 18. 18 is just a random age the legal system picked as the day you become “an adult”. So I don’t find your argument too compelling. I’d still say that as long as both consent, both love each other, use protection, and are mature enough to jump for a morning-after pill if necessary, you’re good to go.

Macca August 27, 2013, 2:54 PM EDT.

Comment ID #257811

@I_Love_Lucy I think the right age depends on the person. There are tons of 15 year olds that aren’t ready, but 15 is a few steps from 16, which is the legal age of consent for many states in the US. So it’s not like their far from the legal maturity many areas believe to be sufficient.

It really depends on who it is. And as far as I can see, I don’t think Daisy and Abbey /are/ quite ready. Not because they’re too young, but because they don’t have good enough communication in that area yet. They need to be able to talk about it without so much awkwardness and fear in order to be fully ready to have a sexual experience without guilt or fear getting in the way of it being a good experience. Otherwise, their relationship seems healthy and if they do manage to man up about the topic and discuss it more fully, I support them in whatever decisions they come to.

amberbydreams August 27, 2013, 5:55 PM EDT.

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