115. Track Meet, page posted 6/20/22

Page 19 of 26

Track Meet — Page 19

Author commentary

Veronica: Third panel is me about girls tbh

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from Patreon

Comment ID #21314

Love ya Daisy!


Comment ID #21315

me non stop for the next month straight: GAYSY GAYSY GAYSY GAYSY

Airy Frith  

Comment ID #21316

Don't you mean for the next month gay

Red Miso  

Comment ID #21317

fuck. shit. dammit. you got me.

Airy Frith  

Comment ID #21318

Oh Daisy, you adorable love muffin


Comment ID #21319

She is part ragamuffin

Red Miso  

Comment ID #21320

Paulo and Daisy forming a Disaster Bi Support group

Heracynn Raine  

Comment ID #21321

daisy... i love her so much

Lily Hoyda  

Comment ID #21322

Those tiny little maybe-crushes are adorable.

Jim Avery  

Comment ID #21323


Lee Blackett  

Comment ID #21324

I wonder if this means that Daisy realized this about herself in spring of sophomore year.


Comment ID #21325

Oh dang that's BEFORE Sandy visited!


Comment ID #21326

That means she was a flurry of hopeful emotions that day and Sandy just shot her down in cold blood. No wonder she was devastated!

Ashura Atsu  

Comment ID #21327



Comment ID #21328

Love love love


Comment ID #21329

Wow how did i not see this??

Brittany ann  

Comment ID #21330

Crush finally confirmed!


Comment ID #21331



Comment ID #21332

That happens. Makes you wonder, what all is friendship? I'll never know for sure, but a big part of it is it makes life worth living.

Dave Ostroske  

Comment ID #21333

I knew she would bring up Sandy lol


Comment ID #21334

I'm starting to wonder if this is where Sandy stops being the icon that everyone sees her as and starts realizing that what she's been doing to Mike is not okay, either. Nobody is entirely blameless in this entire mess. But with some maturity-- which everyone is so very slowly showing-- it won't end in disaster.

Phoebe Zeitler  

Comment ID #21335

The parallels are so strong. James was always friendly to Paulo but never his friend. Paulo's just figured this out. Daisy, it's the same with Sandy, and it's haunted her for years.

Dave Ostroske  

Comment ID #21336

2 of the characters with confused or conflicted feelings have a talk, and at least neither of them are giving the closed off or tsundere drama nonesense, just a normal talk between friends that have confused feelings about someone or something, nice...


Comment ID #21337

I actually had the same feelings as Daisy here about a childhood crush that I didn't recognise as a crush because I didn't know I was bisexual. He was my best friend from 5 - 9 years old and when he moved away I was heart broken, but I didn't know why I was THAT heart broken. I didn't discover my bisexuality until I was 16.

Sai Santoso-Miller  

Comment ID #21338

I picked the best time to be a patreon OwO


Comment ID #21339

Daisy: We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious. He stole her from us. Sneaky little Mikie. Wicked, tricksy, false!

Paulo: O_O (slowly walks away)


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