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Comment ID #21284
Lol Daisy’s subconscious knew and had her speak before actively thinking about it
Comment ID #21285
No more closets. Ever.
Phoebe Zeitler
Comment ID #21286
You said Paisy is hecking dead
Comment ID #21287
LOL you know what? this makes so much sense as to why she was so fascinated by Paulo being bi. not like she wouldn’t support him either way, but it’s SO EXCITING to have queer friends long before you come out or even realize you’re queer in the first place. I would ask my bff all about being trans All The Time for months until I finally put the pieces together lmao
Comment ID #21288
Don’t deny it Daisy you knew what you said! Don’t run away from your pride!
Comment ID #21289
That final panel needs to be a chat sticker.
Mr. Beard
Comment ID #21290
lol taste ur own medicine daisy
Comment ID #21291
Time to revisit the daisy Ships Ahoy strips… Hey! Did You Know that for the low low annual price of $29 you can access all Bittersweet Club International member-exclusive bonus comi—-
Comment ID #21292
This is so cute I’m dying
Comment ID #21293
One kiss from Mike made her gay lol
Alex Covey
Comment ID #21294
Comment ID #21295
These kids be taking the hinges off these closet doors and kicking them open lmao
Comment ID #21296
Daisy is definitely more accepting of herself than Paulo, but it seems like even she was unaware of this.
Comment ID #21297
When you’re trying to reassure and connect with a friend but accidentally come out as same-gender attracted. :P
Kash Bran
Comment ID #21298
I’m all for them figuring theirselves out together
Comment ID #21299
Perfect content for pride month honestly. I’ve always seen daisy as being pan honestly because of how she used to be super affectionate with all of her friends regardless of gender. Her pointed romantic affections were usually towards males of course, but I mean. Come on. Def feelings towards Lucy lol
Comment ID #21300
Truly bisexual legends
Comment ID #21301
Sai Santoso-Miller
Comment ID #21302
Decades ago, the word was that every heterosexual person has a homosexual part of their personality. I don’t know if people still say this. This old jag was once in both Paulo’s and Daisy’s metaphorical shoes. Hope that they eventually get comfortable with that part of themselves. It’s part of growing up.
Dave Ostroske
Comment ID #21303
My actual serious comment: We are in 2009 in-comic, iirc. Being in the closet is always a big deal, but especially then. This is three years after gay s*x was federally decriminalized in the US and six years before same-sex marriage was federally legalized. I was also in the closet in high school in 2009. I’m glad BCB doesn’t outright show homophobia but the vibes were.. rancid. Not that it’s better now, just that gay rights were the national conversation the way trans rights are now, and that pulls out a lot of reactionary bigotry.
Comment ID #21304
Girls? Plural? Well Daisy?? Which girls have you thought were cute?? Other than Sandy which is definitely a given imo. Give us the deets, girl!! Time for some introspection.
Comment ID #21305
I’m thinking Tess and Lucy for sure, she sublimated some of those feelings into “jealousy” which is pretty common in closeted wlw in my experience.
Maybelle Conrad
Comment ID #21306
That would make a lot of sense to me! Especially since she’s so fixated on how Lucy has all the looks. I’d love to see this evolve into some real thought about how she’s pitted herself against them. I’d do anything for a Daisy/Lucy moment but I’m just getting greedy now after all this Pride Month goodness.
Comment ID #21307
hehehehe :3c join the club, Daisy~! pride month isn’t over yet, and I came out circa 2012, like a couple years in the future.
Maybelle Conrad
Comment ID #21308
paulo is probably more confused at what she said, i wonder what the track team are gonna say, since school stadiums have enough space to create an echo effect.
Comment ID #21309
Paulo: You said you just saved a bunch of money on your car insurance by switching to Geico.
Daisy: Oh.
Comment ID #21310
During pride month too?? Beautiful, amazing, my crops have been watered and my skin is clear
Comment ID #21311
Oh, this solves a little mystery, I think! Daisy’s an English nerd, right? When Mike said he thought Daisy was being jealous and she said he wasn’t wrong about *that*… 1) she knows he meant envious, as in wanting what Sandy had; 2) she confirms that she was jealous, as in, possessive of Sandy. I thought it was weird phrasing before, like if it were normal it could just be “well you weren’t wrong..” I dunno! Just my pet theory!