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Comment ID #276028
I love how she responded to him.
Kami February 26, 2014, 1:02 PM EST.
Comment ID #276066
Jazz is an apprentice to “The Way of The Sue”.
I support Jazz in her approach. Paulo got with her and just when she was getting comfy, he broke it up on her at a party, because he was still all over Lucy’s ass.
However, Jazz was going to break up with him too, but she handled it well nonetheless, saving face until he left instead of being dumb about it.
Paulo is also full of drama and that’s been scoped out with the focus he’s been getting lately in the comic. Hell, I think Paulo might even be in a legit rivalry with Mike for “Drama Queen of The Comic”.
Blank On Purpose February 26, 2014, 2:24 PM EST.
Comment ID #277348
Jasmine has her immature moments but so far she is the most mature out of the cast to me.
Tealjoy March 17, 2014, 11:14 PM EDT.