Take Heart — Page 8

Author commentary


It’s not like you would even remember kissing Mike since you barely remember anything anyway! So there’s nothing to get all FOMO about!

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Comment ID #274429

Eh they’re both dumb.

taNi February 5, 2014, 2:28 PM EST.

Comment ID #274454

Guys when it comes to love and experiences with love, relationships … point of views regarding it and the experiences that lead to it, are not set in stone. It’s different for everyone. It doesn’t mean people have less experience or not, and even so, so what? People process things differently.

As for my own observation toward Abbey and Daisy … being drunk is no excuse but it really does change you, and for some, loosen lips. She messed up and doesn’t even remember it and continues to do so. Whether it’s right or wrong to be with someone when you still have a crush … that’s personal opinion, but this is a communication problem. Abbey is withholding on his feelings and what has happened and Daisy said to much with the help of booze. They can sort this out if both are willing to, and that’s what matters in the end … working out these kinks. If they can’t do this much, then they aren’t ready to be in a serious relationship, neither one of them. It doesn’t have to end their relationship or spoil it, but whether it does or not, is on them, and how they choose to deal with this hiccup.

Canny February 5, 2014, 3:10 PM EST.

Comment ID #274483

Finally! No offense to all who love AbbeyXDaisy but their relationship seemed a little too perfect. Abbey and Daisy’s relationship seems a little more authentic now instead of the “perfect couple.” Every relationship has a little drama, however I’m not saying I want them to fight. Couples fight but they also accept each other for their flaws and move forward, but this IS High School here… so a lot of adolescent drama is in store. :smirk:

The Mylestone February 5, 2014, 3:52 PM EST.

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