95. Love Again, page posted 10/28/16

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Love Again — Page 2

Author commentary

Veronica: He’s still got it!!!!!!!!!! i think!!!!!!!

fun fact when I drew this page, I realised too late I drew the lockers inconsistent to the rest of the comic, like they were opening the wrong way. SO I FLIPPED THE CANVAS HORIZONTALLY AND REORGANISED THINGS THAT WAY. fun in catching blunders

and speaking of comic blunders, I soon realised I made that same blunder in Pillow Talk and Feline Filibuster so i’M A BIG SCREW-UP WHOOPS. It’s something I will fix in the future.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

Christ Abbey. Do you want him to talk to Daisy or not? Stop being so freaking possessive.
Also Pualo, cut this shit and stop being an ass.

Tumblr: mistress-of-shit-posts October 28, 2016

Ouch. Again. It’s immature how’s he handling it, seeing as Daisy wasn’t exactly wrong when she spoke to him but you can’t continue on like nothing happened either. It hurt. Even though she was just being honest and it’s something a friend needs to hear, it’s not going to instantly be alright after everything is put out in the air like that. And I mean are we forgetting Abbey choked him out in the bathroom ? Not saying it wasn’t a long time coming especially with Paulo’s taunts […]

Tumblr: touchfeeltastelove October 28, 2016

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