95. Love Again, page posted 12/9/16

Page 19 of 50

Love Again — Page 19

Author commentary

Veronica: I felt bothered about Mina being the excitable one in the final panel because we have two excitable dogs in the comic already, so I genuinely considered making Cassidy the one to flirt with Abbey, but that’s literally 0% Cassidy. Mina’s different because she’s a more immature self-centered brand of bouncy, at least.

Also, I feel bad about Abbey’s final line because he’s literally being factual and upfront, but I can see it as being misconstrued for Abbey flirting back or providing an opening for Mina. That’s 0% the case, but you know when it comes to people who viciously hate Abbey… :-[

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Comments from around the web

I’m one of the few people who actually adore Abby. I just don’t think he and Daisy understand each other. They both need different people- someone who actually gets them.

Tumblr: narcelina December 11, 2016

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