95. Love Again, page posted 12/5/16

Page 17 of 50

Love Again — Page 17

Author commentary

Veronica: happy birthday to me

Oliver: It’s Veronica’s birthday!! Go celebrate by looking at all the work she did this streaming weekend. And check out the Store for our very very last stock of Volume One, damaged like you’ve never seen it before!!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

Of course Daisy isn’t okay with assault, she’s been trying to get Abbey to be LESS like his father, not more. I do like Abbey’s character, and I feel like I understand him a lot but there is really no excuse for trying to “muscle” someone into doing things the way you want them. I hope he comes to his senses and apologizes to Daisy and Paulo…I also hope this doesn’t get blamed on Lucy somehow…

Tumblr: circusofdestiny December 6, 2016

Ahhh David, better than ever at self-censoring

Tumblr: cjewing December 6, 2016

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