95. Love Again, page posted 12/23/16

Page 25 of 50

Love Again — Page 25

Author commentary

Veronica: Augustus just wanted to relax and look up at the sky wistfully for all of lunch, dammit

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Comments from around the web

as a quoiromantic i don’t really understand the “are they gonna get together or just are close friends” thing. like… y’all. i don’t care. i quantifiably can’t really tell the difference between those two things, at all. i ship augustus and lucy yeah but how i really ship them is “emotional closeness”. nothing else including the official status of their relationship really matters??? my otp is already canon y’all, i’ve already won. taeshi has made the entire month of december for me which is really rather ironic given how december has gone w/ bcb in previous years

Tumblr: solitairedeere December 23, 2016

Taeshi, you’ve outdone yourself! That first panel is, hands down, the best looking panel in the entire comic to date (imo)

Tumblr: zamusician December 24, 2016

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