95. Love Again, page posted 12/19/16

Page 23 of 50

Love Again — Page 23

Author commentary

Veronica: Souppy thinks Lucy is being particularly anime in the final panel and I just.. I dunno!!!! She just wants to put up her dukes!!!

Oliver: Oh, I love it, though! I wanted to play up the anime. She’s being a sweetheart.

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Comments from around the web

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That’s my ninja way!

Tumblr: toreesucks December 19, 2016

I’m MCLOSING IT. I love lucy and augustus’s relationship so much. While I do ship them romantically I appreciate the mutual trust and care they have for one another. Like he was there for lucy during a rough times and its not surprising they’ve become close behind the scenes.
I think their friendship is particularly important but I’m at work so I’ll talk about it later.

Tumblr: spiderman December 19, 2016

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Finished Augustus and Lucy picture from Bittersweet Candy Bowl.

Tumblr: a-fischeart December 20, 2016

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