Love Again — Page 5

Author commentary

Veronica: At one point in the dialogue revision, Souppy had Abbey say “don’t be silly, I’m sure he deserved every word” and I was like “YIKES MAN” because Abbey’s not a weirdo gaslighter like that. “Don’t be silly” isn’t that horrible of a thing to say generally, but with someone as serious as Abbey, it takes on a whole new abusive streak. And that’s totally not Abbey :l

Oliver: Yeah, a lot of this chapter was about tweaking the balance for a lot of the tension and conflict underlying all these characters. It’s a tough life for Abbey.

Also we are at Youmacon! In Detroit! Right now! Go!!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

I really hate this cat. “Look I know you’ve been his best friend since you were kids and I’m just the entitled Nice Guy who wandered into your posse like a year ago, but I know what I’m talking about when I tell you that this conversation I never heard was totally appropriate.”
Seriously, if his character arc doesn’t lead to him becoming the official antagonist of the comic then I have no idea what’s going on anymore. ¬_¬

Tumblr: migbird November 4, 2016

Daisy is that lipstick? What are you doing with lipstick?

More importantly, where was it on Page 1??

Tumblr: lachlands November 6, 2016

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