95. Love Again, page posted 2/10/17

Page 46 of 50

Love Again — Page 46

Author commentary

Veronica: Augustus made me want to tear up a bit in this page when I was sketching him, his complete shock and inability to keep calm about something.. actually good?? actually happening to him?? is contagious.

Oliver: We feel like Augustus!! We hit the goal!! In less than sixty hours!! It’s nuts!! Thank you to everyone who is making Volume Five happen.

We are now announcing a STRETCHGOAL: Daisy plush toy if we hit $25k!! Can you help us make it there? Here’s the design sketch:

Rough Daisy design sketch

We need your support to get her made! Visit our Kickstarter (and consider an add-on pledge for Daisy) here!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

Augustus is so speechless at this, D’aww..

Tumblr: roy6056 February 10, 2017

please god let these good things stay happening.

Tumblr: twee-lil-lass February 11, 2017

Tumblr image
New cat’s height compared to the other cats and cat-like creatures I currently have a collection of

Tumblr: faline-cat444 February 12, 2017

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