95. Love Again, page posted 2/20/17

Page 50 of 50

Love Again — Page 50

Author commentary

Veronica: Thanks for reading!!!!

Oliver: This is a BIG WEEK!! First up, with two weeks remaining and the Daisy plush stretchgoal almost reached, a NEW SET OF STRETCHGOALS has been announced for the Volume Five Kickstarter. They’re gorgeous acrylic charms!

Rachel acrylic charm mockup

All that, and we have our first stream since early December on Friday! It’s been a long time! It’ll be a big stream!! Make plans for the weekend!

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web


Tumblr: roy6056 February 20, 2017

Tumblr image
Lucy from Bittersweet Candy Bowl

Tumblr: russianartists February 21, 2017

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