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Comment ID #236383
Auggie cares <3 I like him because he isn’t all sugary and corny to show his concern and seems like he really understands Lucy, even if he thinks she’s some sort of a whiny bitch, I love the way he copes and gives her space, yet will be waiting until ‘she’s done’.
KarmaKitty January 11, 2013, 12:15 AM EST.
Comment ID #236390
You may think that Augustus is kind of distanced from everything, but he has a kind of 6th sense. He knows resistance is futile and just lets people be.
Still can’t decide whether Augustus is trying to be nice, just being humane, or trying to coo Lucy into some trap. Can’t get the fact outta my head that Augustus is involved with some bad ppl, and that Lucy is a target of some sort.
Hope to see some sort of development with that soon.
On the artistic note, great choice by Taeshi to make dramatic moments like this with a neutral grey-white back ground. Fits the mood perfectly!
foreveryoung5 January 11, 2013, 12:37 AM EST.
Comment ID #236393
Augustus is the only one that could understand how she feels right now because he knows what she was ready to do and why she was ready to do it… and he decides it is better to leave her… alone… on a roof top. This plan seems legit(it actually does). Before you think i’m crazy it does make sense she just told him how she felt about how people are trying to make decisions for her. So what better way to prove he is on her side then by saying “okay if that is how you feel go ahead make whatever decision you want I will be right downstairs if you need any help.” Augustus is being smart about this, he chose not to argue whatever point he was going to make with Lucy and is now giving Lucy what she wants a choice(that was something her family didn’t give her when they were talking earlier).
supertails19 January 11, 2013, 12:50 AM EST.