74. Curtain Call, page posted 2/11/13

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Curtain Call — Page 1

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Veronica: Yep, it is finally happening!

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Comment ID #238577

The plaaaaay chapter! finally! Oh damn but this means some intense drama cuz dont lucy and mike have parts together?
By the way I really like how you did a different style of art to show the background. Very creative, and it works really well.

ashtheghost February 11, 2013, 12:03 AM EST.

Comment ID #238588

Read the description of this chapter in the Archive.

“Sue’s big production finally takes the stage.”

This can only mean the play. At last!

Jax February 11, 2013, 12:15 AM EST.

Comment ID #238602

Sue’s probably trying to make this cathartic and say “Hey Mike and Lucy you’re like siblings so it’s okay that you fight but you should make up because you share so much.” Which is better than what I was assuming in initially imagining the play as MikexLucy fanfic. Then again, if it didn’t work during rehearsals, I doubt actually performing the play will. It depends on the crowd, simmering feelings, and all that jazz, mostly the fact that Mike “can’t act for crap”. Will he stand for this public humiliation?

P.S. Taeshi I love the texture on the prop background!

Hazel February 11, 2013, 12:49 AM EST.

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