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Comment ID #234289
So Lucy is coming to the party… sweet. Tess is acting like she was expecting them to be here maybe she invited them because she wants to be their friends.
Tess keep on guessing you will eventually run out of boy names and you’ll go “oh.” I wonder how long it will take before Jess admits her feelings to you know who.
supertails19 December 17, 2012, 12:01 AM EST.
Comment ID #234296
As long as I love seeing interactions between other characters… -ripping at hair- I /just/ want to see what’s going to happen to Lucy and Mike. Dx! Seriously, I’m all happy to see that Tess may be actually making friends with these girls but I just want to see if Lucy changes for the better or the worst… -rolls around- This story does feel like it’s flat lining right now…
Maybe it’s just the suspense…
Nanai December 17, 2012, 12:15 AM EST.
Comment ID #234302
When the comic is focusing on Mike and Lucy:
“Ughh i’m sick of Mike and Lucy’s drama, why can’t we see other characters wahhh!!!”
When the comic is focusing on other characters:
“Ughh I wanna know what’s going on with Mike and Lucy this comic is flatlining wahhh”
In short: Deal with it :U
Taeshi December 17, 2012, 12:25 AM EST.