75. Breaking Up, page posted 5/24/13

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Breaking Up — Page 9

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Comment ID #246424

Well shit, that’s not good. To be honest, though, I feel that there are very few possibilities as to what might have happened. Firstly, and least likely, Lucy committed suicide. It would explain why her room has become the void, but they would usually announce something like that. Secondly, Lucy is going to go live with another family member. This would explain why the teacher didn’t say specifically what happened, but they usually wouldn’t tear apart the room in this situation. Lastly, she could be going to a boarding school. This would also explain why the teacher didn’t say anything, but there is no reason why they would destroy her room. Basically, there are a few choices I can think of, but they all have a fatal flaw. I’m probably wrong though. It wouldn’t be the first time and it most certainly wont be the last.

Nikita May 24, 2013, 12:00 AM EDT.

Comment ID #246455

Guys. If Lucy was dead, I honestly doubt her family would clean out her room.
I have yet met a single parent that cleans their lost child’s room after death.

Sorry, but I’m chancing on that they’re moving/have moved. Perhaps there are few things left to pick up which is why Jordan is still there.

Yumikarp May 24, 2013, 12:23 AM EDT.

Comment ID #246473

Reading some of the comments has got me very confused. Specifically, people speculating that because Mike told Lucy that her friends would leave her, she disappeared so she could leave them before they left her.
Now, hold on! Lucy didn’t have a choice, remember? This is an intervention planned by her family for her well-being. Besides, Lucy’s not like that! Her friends mean a lot to her. She wouldn’t abandon them just because she thinks they’ll leave her.

And one more thing? Lucy’s family planned this a while ago. But they just now left. So why’d they stay for a bit longer, if Lucy wasn’t even going to school?

Sue’s play.

Lucy could have just left, and expected Sue to find a new actor. She didn’t want to be in the play in the first place, and she certainly didn’t want to sing on stage. But she did. She stayed because Sue means that much to her.

TL;DR: Lucy didn’t abandon them, and certainly not for fear of abandonment.

GingerPaws May 24, 2013, 1:40 AM EDT.

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