Breaking Up — Page 2

Author commentary

Veronica: did you really think this was a possible plotline

what is this degrassi

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Comment ID #245218

Hah! She knows a pedo when she sees one!

Cavara May 8, 2013, 3:13 AM EDT.

Comment ID #245233

Anyone notice Paulo’s eyes in the first panel? His pupils just shrank to dust. If Lucy said yes then the kid might kill himself, especially after breaking up with jasmine.
Speaking of which, it seems everyone is focusing on the obvious couple here. I mean I don’t believe Abby and Daisy will be breaking up, so it just might refer to the group. Mike’s prophetic statement earlier about leaving the lunch table (OMG, a massive big deal for you sophomores out there i guess, #juniorpride) comes to mind. Perhaps the group really will break up… but then again Abby, Daisy, Sue (can’t forget her) would probably prevent that from happening.

Oh, but in light of Mike’s epiphany at the end of the last chapter, him wanting to rebuild his and Lucy’s friendship might just cancel out the above.
Whoop whoop! let’s see what happens!!

foreveryoung5 May 8, 2013, 7:01 AM EDT.

Comment ID #245272

Oh Lucy, exactly what I expected from you, but that guys expression. Priceless. Very eloquently done Taeshi, the expressions on this page speak volumes more than any dialogue could have.

No one should have expected her to accept such an offer. She wouldn’t even sing for Zach, so why would she consider singing as a career and being a star? Lucy isn’t looking for attention and limelight, which is one of the things I really like about her character. She isn’t out to be Miss. Popular, she just wants her small set of friends whom she can trust.

I hope that guy doesn’t try to press his luck. He’ll be in for a rude awakening if he tries to pressure her. Though I don’t think she will get physically violent unless it was absolutely necessary, the days of lashing out physically are pretty much behind her now. I doubt this guy will become very important to the plot, but I think her own family would try and coax her into maybe trying it out to see how it goes… But that illumination is for another day.

GracefulSerenity May 8, 2013, 1:23 PM EDT.

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