Breaking Up — Page 1

Author commentary

Veronica: New chapter, guys! Yay!!! I feel sorta bad because I initially wanted the weekday updates to begin today (Mainly as a reward for you guys making me win the Mix March Madness thing like seriously I can’t get over how that happened and I am still surprised and everything and thank you i love you) because I think this page is better off with the next page seen right away and I’m hella nervous about it, but whatchugonnado.

I sorta ran out of time to be able to make enough buffer to survive May, so I guess you get a month of crazy ol’ cliffhangers with days between them. Of course, we’re still in line to start the five-days-a-week thing in June.

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Reader comments

Comment ID #245020

IT’S A TRAP!!! This guy seems shady! Like, possibly with the alley attackers kinda shady…

Six May 6, 2013, 2:06 AM EDT.

Comment ID #245038

Well, if there’s ever a time to say this, it’s now.

I seriously love this webcomic. I’ve been trying to find the cash to buy the books or at LEAST join BCI since last summer. (Not impressive to you long term fans I know, but this is about letting Taeshi and Suitcase know how much I appreciate their work.)

I’ve pestered all my friends to read it, reread it from the beginning three times and every Monday or Wednesday or Friday basically the first thing I do is fire up my laptop to check the new page.

@Taeshi You’re doing an amazing job with this. The story’s gripping, the characters make me love them and root for them even when they want conflicting things. (Most known example, in one chapter, even one page, I can be glad for Mike and Sandy, wish Lucy would give Paulo a chance, ache for Daisy, (though not of late, since I honestly believe her crush is dying. Not dead yet, but dying.) and long for Mike and Lucy to shut up and kiss already. XD) In summary, thank you for making this comic, sharing it, spending so much time on it and not giving up on it.

Jaebird May 6, 2013, 4:24 AM EDT.

Comment ID #245146

Thank you Taeshi for continuing this amazing comic, it’s really helps me feel better on crummy days. I’d just like to say that your comics have inspired me from the moment I first saw them 3 years ago and I hope to be as good with watercolors as you are some day. :)

Hannah May 7, 2013, 8:19 PM EDT.

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