90. Golden Hour, page posted 11/18/15

Page 21 of 44

Golden Hour — Page 21

Author commentary

Veronica: Not looking too happy there, Abbey

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Comments from around the web

Okay Abbey needs to chill. He is way too sensitive. It was just a joke and it WAS thoughtful. Paulo knew Abbey had made a mistake and fixed it so that Daisy could drink her favorite milkshake. To me this just seems like Abbey is a jealous overreacting boyfriend. Abbey is reacting like Paulo somehow is specially a jerk to him or hates him or something. Or like Paulo did this to humiliate him. I’m pretty sure that if it had been Mike who did the whole milkshake flavor correction Abbey would still react, he may not lash out, but he would still be jealous. You can’t fool me Abbey, I know your type. 
To be honest this is just the way Paulo is!! It’s not fair to act like he is being mean, he is not. He actually just did something fairly nice. Abbey is acting like Paulo has some kind of vendetta against him when it’s clearly the other way around. Paulo acts like […]

Tumblr: little-crazy-misha-minion November 18, 2015

Abbey’s has had enough m8s. Plain and simple. Don’t matter how mentally stable, happy, or content someone is. If you ridicule and disrespect somone they eventually lose patience with you and snap. Abbey has not had many good friends and Daisy isn’t exactly a great girlfriend. I know it was wrong and hw shouldn’t of done it, but I understood why he choked Paulo in the bathroom
I’m just surprised people are defending paulo so fiercely. Even if he was “just” name calling, enough is enough. And Abbey has told him many times to stop and leave him alone, that he didn’t appreciate nor found humor in it

Tumblr: awesome-alan4ever November 19, 2015

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