90. Golden Hour, page posted 12/9/15

Page 30 of 44

Golden Hour — Page 30

Author commentary

Veronica: :(

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Comments from around the web

I can’t stand this anymore.
What is the lesson of this chapter? “Be as selfish and destructive and awful as you want, as long as you have a scapegoat?” We’re watching a lifelong friendship get torn apart just so a do-nothing think-for-himselfer vampire like Abbey can get whatever he wants. If anyone still thinks he’s worth defending, let’s never hang out.
You know, when Abbey first showed up, I thought he was a joke. A parody of that mopey self-absorbed nice-guy who thinks if he follows a girl around long enough and cuts down the other guys in her life, she’ll just fall for him automatically. Then that actually happened.
So he stuck around and did nothing but make trouble for everyone, and I naturally assumed that he was meant to be an obstacle, a problem that the cast would eventually face and overcome. But it’s looking more and more like he[…]

Tumblr: migbird December 10, 2015

call me donald trump cuz I’m here to stop Daisy from jumping the fence/gun
oh. too late.
(Also, please don’t really call me Donald Trump.)

Tumblr: coover55 December 10, 2015

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