90. Golden Hour, page posted 12/28/15

Page 38 of 44

Golden Hour — Page 38

Author commentary

Veronica: oh matt

A preview of the upcoming BCB page.

Comments from around the web

this chapter of bcb is basically just “you cant catch me gay thoughts”

Tumblr: bridgebandicoot December 29, 2015

Tumblr image
Two most fun things to draw are Warthunder and BCB so why not combine them?

Tumblr: 88mm-reloaded December 25, 2015

david for president 2k16

Tumblr: bramblepaws December 24, 2015

Finally got my Bittersweet Candy Bowl vol 1-3  YEAH!

Tumblr: almighty-idiot December 23, 2015

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