90. Golden Hour, page posted 1/8/16

Page 43 of 44

Golden Hour — Page 43

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Comments from around the web

I’m astonished that people are still giving Paulo shit after all this… it’s very clear that he’s going through a rough time of figuring out who he is and sorting out his feelings. Not to say that Matt isn’t just as sympathetic for putting on a brave face despite the homophobia he received or Abbey for still dealing with mental trauma over his abusive father.

Overall, people need to give Paulo a break. Yeah he yelled at somebody that didn’t deserve it, but honestly, what character in this comic HASN’T done that? They’re teenagers wrestling with their emotions, identity, and relationships… they’re going to do dumb teenager things as a result.

Tumblr: maxwestthebull January 8, 2016

Ughh Bittersweet Candy Bowl, bestill my tiny gay heart, Matt and Paulo are both just the most precious of jelly beans

Tumblr: lostmypennies January 8, 2016

DAMN… Paulo must REALLY be broken!

Tumblr: hello-pirka January 8, 2016

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