90. Golden Hour, page posted 11/20/15

Page 22 of 44

Golden Hour — Page 22

Author commentary

Veronica: OH BOYYYYY

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Comments from around the web

abbey is freaking out is because these last pages have shown that obviously there’s something in his life or with him thats freaking him out, still mourning (finding out your mom wasnt alive but dead this entire time has to be worse than just knowing she was dead all along)? it might be taking a toll on him, and the school work as a… junior? has to be taxing as well.
even if it’s not that it’s obvious theres things eating at him and his sister. and if he cant escape it with his girlfriend, who always seems to be around the one guy who gives him hell, where can he possibly go?

Tumblr: rayuu November 20, 2015

Good. They need to talk about that. Daisy just sat there and even rolled with it when Paulo was harassing Abbey in front of the entire class. That’s not cool.

Tumblr: hello-pirka November 21, 2015

ok i gotta be honest here
i rly like paulo i rly do (i knew he was bi from the fuCKGIN BEGINNING) but the way he treats abbey is straight up unacceptable? as someone mentally ill i mean having someone drag me down like that n everyone supporting em for no gotdamn reason would
fuck with me.
like paulo has good traits yeah but seriously? stop being a dick. to abbey. like he spilled all his personal business and shit to an entire classroom then just laughed it off im glad this is finally getting called out.
speaking of mentally ill characters im emotionally invested in lucy and i want to pretend shes at sandys school and the series is going to end in them ditching mike and running off into the sunset.
also what if shed have a tumblr. like. would she shitpost? i think lucy’d be a good shitposter.

Tumblr: abandonedshack November 22, 2015

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